In order to guarantee that you are fully satisfied with your purchases, we allow for a quick and easy return.
Upon delivery of the product, you have 14 days to try it on and potentially request a return. We ask that you try on the item without removing the price tags, accessories or labels: we do not accept returns if they do not satisfy these conditions. You can use the same box to return goods.

You may request your return 3 days after receiving your package by writhing an e-mail ( with list of items you’d like to return.

As soon as your return arrives at our warehouse, it will undergo quality control checks. If the products comply with our return conditions, you will receive a full price of returned goods within a few days. Method of refund – the same form of payment used. In case of return, only the cost of the goods is compensated, delivery is not included in this amount. All delivery fees client pay separately.

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